Your health and safety is our primary concern. We offer telemedicine as well as in person visits by appointment. We use disposable sheets during Acupuncture treatments and have many resources to support help you achieve lasting health and optimal immune function. If you are sick or have COVID-19, feel free to call us for a phone or telemedicine consult. Stay informed by signing up for our newsletter and receive your free guide to staying well.

You can access our FREE protocols from Dr Morris’ book A Naturopathic Doctor’s Guide to Wellness for Immune Support by clicking here

If you would like the protocol and immune support packets sent to you, feel free to email us at

Check out Dr Morris on Kara’s Cures for health tips on optimizing immune function by clicking the highlighted link.

Order your scientifically verified Immune Boost Packs containing Vitamin D, antiviral herbs and more mentioned on TV by signing up for our online dispensary and ordering the Immune Boost Packs for your whole family to take at first signs of getting sick by clicking on Immune Boost Packs.

Be well and stay well and let us know how we can help you.

You can protect yourself from sickness by eating healthy, taking the foundational 4 nutrients and stock up on our herbs and supplements, home remedies.


Dr Artemis Morris & the team at Artemis Wellness Center