Mediterranean Nutrition Programs

offered Seasonally

Join us for our SPRING 2024 program

STEP #1 REGISTER with link below. If you are new to our community use the top one, if you are already a member of our Artemis Wellness Mighty Network use the bottom one

STEP #2. ORDER your supplements. Supplements must be ordered by May 8th to get them in time for the program

*If you are a member of Artemis Wellness Center you can order through our online dispensary with your discount code.

**We can personalize your plan and nutraceuticals for every program by scheduling a Comprehensive Integrative Wellness Visit (new patients) that gives you automatic membership to Artemis Wellness Center.

You can also schedule a Nutritional supplement consult (doesn’t include supplement discount).


Email us at if you want more information.


Do you want to lower your cholesterol and risk of heart disease while eating delicious food? Join us for the Spring Mediterranean Heart Health Program 2024!

Find out what may be missing in your diet to help you achieve optimal health, weight, and wellbeing

This online program combines the scientifically proven heart health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet with an anti-inflammatory diet rich in heart healthy olive oil and functional food to nourish your heart and soul

  • Lower your cholesterol and blood pressure.

  • Reset Your Metabolism & get healthy and lean.

  • Lower inflammation.

  • Improve energy and resilience.

  • 12 Day program with delicious recipes

  • Functional food for heart health

  • Learn the heart health secrets of the scientifically proven Mediterranean Diet

  • Learn about the Mediterranean Style of Life for optimal health and longevity 

  • Learn how to choose and use olive oil 

  • Nourishing Food and Professional Medical Food Supplements

  • Identify your food sensitivities and intolerances

  • Learn to about the connection between environmental toxins and heart health

  • Create a healthy relationship with real food.

  • Get on a new trajectory to prevent chronic diseases.

  • Reset your metabolism.

  • Lose your sugar cravings

  • Boost immunity.

  • Reduce your risk of chronic diseases.

  • Manage your hormones and reduce endocrine disruptors and their role in heart health

  • Look and feel your best 

  • Created and guided by Dr. Artemis Morris.

This 12 day program includes:

  • 12 Day delicious and easy to make plant-based, seasonal, Mediterranean- inspired program guide.

  • Access to Physician grade Medical Food supplements to support your heart health

  • Access to our private online mighty network support group.

  • Virtual Q & A session.

  • Authentic Mediterranean diet principles.

  • Discount codes for hand-picked high-quality extra virgin olive oil.

  • And more …

For more information email us at: